API Reference > OdIfc Namespace > OdIfc::Utils Namespace > Functions > OdIfc::Utils::getDefaultRepresentationContextsSelection Function
OdIfc::Utils::getDefaultRepresentationContextsSelection Function
OdDAIObjectIds IFCCORE_EXPORT getDefaultRepresentationContextsSelection(const OdIfcFile * pIfcFile, bool onlyBody = true);


const OdIfcFile * pIfcFile 
[in] A raw pointer to an OdIfcFile object that keeps the IFC model.  
bool onlyBody = true 
[in] A flag that determines that only sub-contexts with the "Body" identifiers are selected (if it is equal to true). 

An array of OdDAIObjectId instances, which contain identifiers that refer to geometric representation context objects; if nothing was selected, the method returns an empty array.

Retrieves identifiers (represented with the OdDAIObjectIds object) of default IfcGeometricRepresentationContext instances, which are necessary to get the geometrical representation of a model of the specified IFC file.

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