API Reference > OdIfc Namespace > Classes > OdIfcModelerGeometry Class > OdIfcModelerGeometry Methods > sweep Method > OdIfcModelerGeometry::sweep Method (OdIfcFixedReferenceSweptAreaSolidPtr)
OdIfcModelerGeometry::sweep Method (OdIfcFixedReferenceSweptAreaSolidPtr)
virtual OdResult sweep(OdIfcFixedReferenceSweptAreaSolidPtr pSolid) = 0;
OdIfcFixedReferenceSweptAreaSolidPtr pSolid 
[in] A smart pointer to the OdIfcFixedReferenceSweptAreaSolid entity. 

Returns the operation result code:

  • eOk if the sweep operation was successful.
  • eNullPtr if the smart pointer to the OdIfcFixedReferenceSweptAreaSolid entity is NULL.
  • eGeneralModelingFailure in other cases.

Creates a type of the swept area solid that is the result of the sweeping a specified area along a directrix. The swept area is provided by a subtype of the OdIfcProfileDef class. The profile is placed by an implicit cartesian transformation operator at the start point of the sweep, where the profile normal agrees to the tangent of the directrix at this point, and the profile's x-axis agrees to the FixedReference direction. The orientation of the curve during the sweeping operation is controlled by the FixedReference direction. 


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