API Reference > OdIfc Namespace > Classes > OdIfcBodyVariant Class
OdIfcBodyVariant Class
class OdIfcBodyVariant;


Defines an interface to get a body from a representation item of an OdIfcProduct.

Note that the OdIfcBodyVariant object does not own the body that it contains.

Creates a new instance of the OdIfcBodyVariant class that does not reference any body. 
Enumerates referenced body types. 
Retrieves the current referenced Spatial Acis body.  
Retrieves the referenced FacetModeler body.  
Retrieves the current referenced IfcBrepBuilder body.  
Checks if the body is a Spatial Acis body.  
Checks if the body is a FacetModeler body.  
Checks if the body is an IfcBrepBuilder body.  
Checks if the body is an OdBrepModeler body.  
Retrieves the type of the referenced body.  
Retrieves the current referenced OdBrepModeler body.  
Sets a new Spatial Acis body reference.  
Sets a new FacetModeler body reference.  
Sets a new IfcBrepBuilder body reference.  
Sets a new OdBrepModeler body reference.  
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