API Reference > Classes > OdIfcClassesDictionary Class > OdIfcClassesDictionary Methods > OdIfcClassesDictionary::putAt Method
OdIfcClassesDictionary::putAt Method
virtual OdRxObjectPtr putAt(OdUInt32 id, OdRxObject* pObject);
OdUInt32 id 
[in] An index value that determines the position in the dictionary.  
OdRxObject* pObject 
[in] A raw pointer to a new element that should be set at the position in the dictionary.  

Returns a smart pointer to the dictionary element allocated at the specified position.

Sets a new element to the dictionary at the specified position.

If the specified position is incorrect (for example, when the index value is equal to or greater than the quantity of elements), the method returns a NULL smart pointer (smart pointer object's method isNull() returns true).

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