API Reference > Classes > ExDAIHostAppServices Class
ExDAIHostAppServices Class
class ExDAIHostAppServices : public OdDAIHostAppServicesBase;


This class implements platform-dependent operations and progress metering for ODA IFC. 


Creates an instance of services for platform-dependent operations and progress metering. 
Returns the name of the client company. 
Retrieves the Data Access Interface database class description.  
Controls the display of the progress meter object.  
Returns the font file to be used when a given font file is not found by the ODA Platform. 
Returns the name of the font mapping file used by the getPreferableFont function. 
Returns the preferable font name for the specified font name and type.
Returns the font to be used when the specified font is not found.
Returns an instance of a progress meter object. 
Returns the name of the client product. 
Returns the name of the client program. 
This method is called whenever ODA IFC no longer needs the specified progress meter object.
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