Working with 3D Models > Commands for 3D Modeling Functionality
Commands for 3D Modeling Functionality

This document provides a list of commands available in the ODA Drawings Debug application for 3D modeling functionality.

Command Group/Command Name Module Description
SubDMesh/ConvToMesh ExCommands Converts the given object to a mesh (an OdDbSubDMesh object). The object should be one of these types: OdDbPolyline, OdDb3dSolid, OdDbSurface, OdDbRegion. Supports colors and materials.
MODELER GEOMETRY/CreateSurface ExCommands Creates a surface from the given object. The object should be one of these types: OdDbDbCircle, OdDbEllipse, OdDb3dPolyline, OdDb2dPolyline, OdDbPolyline, OdDbSpline, OdDb3dSolid, OdDbSolid.
Spline/ToPolyline ExCommands Converts a spline to a polyline.
Draw/Extrude ExCommands Creates an extruded solid or surface from the given entity by the specified direction vector or height and taper angle. The command uses the AlignOption::kTranslatePathToSweepEntity option which means that the solid is created at the position of the original (source) entity. Implemented in SpaModeler and ModelerGeometry modelers.
Explode/explodeGeometry ExCustObjs Explodes geometry.
Explode/explodeGeometryToBlock ExCustObjs Explodes geometry to a block table.
Explode/explode_test ExCustObjs Same as explodeGeometry.
Explode/explodeToBlock ExCustObjs Same as explodeGeometryToBlock.
3D create/CreateBreps ExCustObjs Creates different entities using ACIS B-Rep Builder.
Sat tests/CreateRegionsFromCurves ExCustObjs Creates regions from curves.
Sat tests/ExtrudeRegionsFromCurves ExCustObjs Creates regions from curves and extrudes them by heights 5 and -5.
Sat tests/ExtrudeRegionsFromModelSpace ExCustObjs Gets all regions from model space and extrudes them by heights 5 and -5.
Sat tests/ExtrudeSolid ExCustObjs Extrudes solid faces. Currently not implemented.
Sat tests/RevolveRegionsFromModelSpace ExCustObjs Creates solids by revolving all regions from model space using the revolve axis (OdGePoint3d::kOrigin, OdGeVector3d::kYAxis).
Sat tests/CheckInterference ExCustObjs Checks whether a solid interferes with another. Implemented for SpaModeler only.
Sat tests/getMassProp ExCustObjs Computes volume, centroid, moment of inertia, radius of gyration, principle axis and other physical quantities. Implemented for SpaModeler only.
Sat tests/getAreaProp ExCustObjs Computes area of regions, centroid, moment of inertia, radius of gyration, principle axis and other physical quantities. Implemented for SpaModeler only.
Sat tests/GetSection ExCustObjs Creates a section of the solid perpendicular to the direction of the view. Implemented for SpaModeler only.
Sat tests/GetSlice ExCustObjs Slices a solid or surface by a plane created by the specified point and normal. Implemented for SpaModeler only.
Sat tests/GetSliceSurf ExCustObjs Slices a solid or surface by a given surface. Implemented for SpaModeler only.
Sat tests/thicken ExCustObjs Creates a 3D solid object by thickening the selected surface by a specified amount. Currently not implemented.
Sat tests/convertToRegion ExCustObjs Creates a region entity (an OdDbRegion object) for each face of the surface.
Sat tests/createFromCurves ExCustObjs Creates regions from curves.
Sat tests/SeparateBody ExCustObjs Splits a solid into an array of solids representing the additional disjoint volumes. Implemented for SpaModeler only.
Surface solid tests/Sweep ExCustObjs Creates a swept solid by sweeping the selected entity along the specified path. Completely implemented for SpaModeler. Implementation for ModelGeometry has restrictions.
Surface solid tests/Revolve ExCustObjs Creates a solid by revolving the specified curve, region, or planar surface around the specified axis of revolution. Implemented for SpaModeler only.
Surface solid tests/CreateLoftedSolid ExCustObjs Creates a lofted solid from the given curves. There are three modes: with only cross section curves, with path curve or with guide curves. Implemented for SpaModeler only.
Surface solid tests/CreateLoftSurface ExCustObjs Creates a surface from the selected guide curves. Implemented for SpaModeler only.
Surface solid tests/intersectWith ExCustObjs Intersects the selected region with an entity curve.
Surface solid tests/CreateNurbSurface ExCustObjs Creates a NURBS surface using pre-defined data.
Surface solid tests/BooleanPETest ExCustObjs Creates a region with the B-Rep Builder, performs a Boolean subtract operation and extrudes the resulting regions as input data for creation of a solid by extrusion. After that, performs another Boolean operation (subtract) with this solid and the created one.
Surface solid tests/CopySubent ExCustObjs Simply copies edges and faces of the selected solid.
Subentity tests/ExtrudeFaces ExCustObjs Extrudes faces of the selected solid. Additional parameters are: height and taper. Currently not implemented.
Subentity tests/NumChanges ExCustObjs Returns the number of changes that occurred since the solid's creation. Currently not implemented.
Subentity tests/TransformFaces ExCustObjs Transforms faces of a solid by applying a transformation matrix. Currently not implemented.
Subentity tests/ShellBody ExCustObjs Transforms a solid into a thin-walled solid shell by offsetting faces. Distance entered as an input parameter. Currently not implemented.
Subentity tests/TaperFaces ExCustObjs Tapers faces about the specified base point and about the draft vector for a specified draft angle. Currently not implemented.
Subentity tests/SetSubentColor ExCustObjs Sets the specified color of the subentities of a selected OdDb3dSolid.
Subentity tests/SetSubentMaterial ExCustObjs Sets a material (TestMaterial) for the subentities of a selected OdDb3dSolid. Currently not implemented.
Subentity tests/ChamferEdges ExCustObjs Creates chamfers at the edges of a selected solid or a surface. Currently not implemented.
MODELER GEOMETRY/SpaAuditBREP ModelerCommands Checks entities using SpaModeler. Two modes can be used: invalid entities are colored red and valid are colored green, or invalid entities are removed. The command can process all entities in the database, only the entities in model space, or only selected entities.
MODELER GEOMETRY/auditBREP ModelerCommands Checks selected entities (OdDbSurface, OdDbRegion, OdDb3dSolid or OdDbBody) using the ACIS B-Rep Builder validator. Two modes can be used: invalid entities are colored red and valid are colored green, or invalid entities are removed. The command can process all entities in the database, only the entities in model space, or only selected entities.
MODELER GEOMETRY/sweep_ex ModelerCommands Interactive analogue of the Sweep command (see Surface solid tests/Sweep).
MODELER GEOMETRY/EnableNewTessellation ModelerCommands Switches between two tessellation modes in the ModelerGeometry modeler.
MODELER GEOMETRY/copyBREP ModelerCommands Copies the selected entity (OdDbSurface, OdDbRegion, OdDb3dSolid or OdDbBody) using ACIS B-Rep Builder. Input data can be optionally verified by B-Rep Builder.
MODELER GEOMETRY/Union ModelerCommands Executes the Boolean union operation on selected entities (OdDb3dSolid, OdDbSurface or OdDbRegion).
MODELER GEOMETRY/Subtract ModelerCommands Executes the Boolean subtract operation on selected entities (OdDb3dSolid or OdDbRegion). You can also apply this operation to two groups of entities. In this case, the entities in each group are united.
MODELER GEOMETRY/Intersect ModelerCommands Intersects the selected entity with other selected one. Entities can be OdDb3dSolid or OdDbRegion.
MODELER GEOMETRY/IntersectSurf ModelerCommands Intersects the selected surface with other selected one. Surfaces can be OdDb3dSolid, OdDb3dSolid, OdDbRegion or OdDbBody).
MODELER GEOMETRY/UnionEx ModelerCommands Interactively unites the selected objects.
MODELER GEOMETRY/SubtractEx ModelerCommands Interactively subtracts the selected objects.
MODELER GEOMETRY/IntersectEx ModelerCommands Interactively intersects the selected objects.
MODELER GEOMETRY/Sculpt ModelerCommands Creates a waterproof OdDb3dSolid from selected objects. Entities can be OdDb3dSolid, OdDbSurface, OdDbRegion, OdDbBody or OdDbSubDMesh.
MODELER GEOMETRY/Imprint ModelerCommands Intersects the given entity with a solid or surface and imprints their intersection graph onto it.
MODELER GEOMETRY/solidedit ModelerCommands Performs the Separate, OffsetBody or CleanBody command on the selected solid. The Separate command separates the solid into an array of solids representing the additional disjoint volumes. This solid is reduced to a solid with one volume. The OffsetBody command creates parallel copies of all faces by the specified distance. The CleanBody command removes all edges and faces that are not needed for supporting the topology of the solid. Implemented for SpaModeler only.
MODELER GEOMETRY/region ModelerCommands Creates a region from curves.
MODELER GEOMETRY/LineContainment ModelerCommands Finds the intersection of a solid and a line. Implemented for SpaModeler only.
MODELER GEOMETRY/SurfaceLineContainment ModelerCommands Finds the intersection of a surface and a line. Implemented for SpaModeler only.

See Also

Working with 3D Models

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