This class is a base class for the different tool types available.
The tool types each have a overridable worldDraw implementation, but generally draw the same way.
The tool type information stores what type of tool was used to generate the dimension style/settings.
Each tool class makes some assumptions about the settings, but all settings are available. Each subclass of the OdDgDimension represents a Microstation Dimensioning tool, and the creation of the dimension is controlled by this tool through assumptions about the settings. The tools' creation of the dimension is customizable, but should mimick the Microstation tools.
Therefore, the behaviour of each tool's class is customizable, although the settings set by a tool should mimick the settings and behaviours of the Microstation tools, resulting in a final predictable rendering by the worldDraw method.
Ultimately, all dimensions are drawn according to the settings stored to the file, whether stored in a DimStyle in the table, through an ID, or in the settings of the dimension class, and its member settings classes.
Corresponding C++ library: TG_Db
Name |
Description |
Alignment behavior of the Tool. This does not set the rotation. This is a behavior for a tool to mimick. | |
Arrow head type applies to arrowheads (kOpened and kClosed and kFilled) and circles (kFilled or not). | |
Terminators may be automatically placed (kAutomatic) by the tool and worldDraw method, or set statically to one of the three types (kOutside, kInside, kReversed). | |
This indicates which tool was used during the creation of the dimension, and therefore may lead to assumptions about settings/style. |
Name |
Description |
Appends a single instance of OdDgDimPoint to the list. | |
Initialize dimension properties by dimension style. | |
Break dimension association. | |
| |
This retrieves the enumeration value indicating which tool was used during the creation of the dimension, and therefore may lead to assumptions about settings/style. | |
| |
Retrieves the View number (OdUInt32) to which the PlacementAlignment applies, when set to kPaView mode. Only used in kPaView mode by a tool which has been overridden to make use of this property. | |
Retrieves the OdUInt32 value as an Alternate Color Index value. | |
Retrieves the OdInt32 value as an Alternate Line Style Entry Id. Lookup from Line Style Table. | |
Retrieves the OdUInt32 value as an Alternate Line Weight value. | |
Retrieves the Annotation Scale Factor of this dimension. | |
Return true if dimension uses annotation scale. | |
| |
Method to get/set the Box text frame flag. | |
Method to get/set the Capsule text frame flag. | |
Method to get/set the Centesimal flag. | |
Method to get/set the CrossCenter flag. | |
Get dimension style table record id for dimension | |
This retrieves the enumeration value indicating which tool type was used during the creation of the dimension, and therefore may lead to assumptions about settings/style. | |
Method to get/set the DimExtFlgNoLineThruArrowTerm extended flag, indicating whether angle of angular or arc dimension clockwise or anticlockwise. | |
Method to get/set the DimExtFlgNoLineThruArrowTerm extended flag, indicating whether line is drawn through arrow terminator. | |
Method to get/set the DimExtFlgNoLineThruArrowTerm extended flag, indicating whether line is drawn through dot terminator. | |
Method to get/set the DimExtFlgNoLineThruArrowTerm extended flag, indicating whether line is drawn through origin terminator. | |
Method to get/set the DimExtFlgNoLineThruArrowTerm extended flag, indicating whether line is drawn through stroke terminator. | |
Retrieves the settings class OdDgDimGeometry for this OdDgDimension. | |
Retrieves the settings class OdDgDimTextFormat for this OdDgDimension. | |
Retrieves the settings class OdDgDimTextInfo for this OdDgDimension. | |
Method to get/set the Dual flag. | |
Method to get/set the Embed flag. | |
Accessor method to get all included extended flags as single unsigned integer (16bit). | |
Retrieves the Fit Options of this dimension for automatic terminator orientation. | |
Accessor method to get all included flags as single unsigned integer (32bit). | |
Get freeze group of current dimension | |
Method to get/set the Horizontal flag. | |
Retrieves the lift for dimension with inline text. | |
Method to get/set the Joiner flag, indicating whether the inner line is created if the text is moved outside (to reversed mode). | |
Method to get/set the LeadingZero2 flag, indicating whether to leave the leading zero on a decimal value less than one, for the second label. | |
Method to get/set the LeadingZeros flag, indicating whether to allow the leading zero to show on a decimal value less than 1. | |
Retrieves type of LSD font flag. ( Special font or Dimension font ) | |
Method to get/set the NoAutoTextLift flag. | |
Method to get/set the NoLevelSymb flag. | |
| |
Retrieves a single instance of OdDgDimPoint by index from the list. | |
Retrieves the count of OdDgDimPoint in the list. | |
Retrieves the retain fractional accuracy option for alternative format of primary unit string. | |
Retrieves the retain fractional accuracy option ( disable fraction simplification: if set - 8/64, otherwise 1/8 ) for primary unit string. | |
Retrieves the primary tolerance accuracy if tolerance present. | |
Retrieves the retain fractional accuracy option for tolerance of primary unit string. | |
Method to get/set the RelDimLine flag. | |
Method to get/set the RelStat flag. | |
This is the overview for the getRotation method overload. | |
Retrieves the Scale Factor of this dimension. | |
Retrieves the retain fractional accuracy option for alternative format of secondary unit string. | |
Retrieves the retain fractional accuracy option for secondary unit string. | |
Retrieves the secondary tolerance accuracy if tolerance present. | |
Retrieves the retain fractional accuracy option for tolerance of secondary unit string. | |
Retrieves the Stacked Fraction Scale Factor of this dimension. | |
Method to get/set the StackFract flag, indicating whether to use the getStackedFractionType of the OdDgTextInfo class; whether numerator is vertically aligned over the denominator, rather than at an angle (font-dependent). | |
Retrieves the Suppress Unfit Terminators of this dimension. | |
| |
Retrieves the optimal fit of this dimension if text location is above. | |
Method to get/set the TextHeapPad flag. | |
Retrieves the Text Location of this dimension. | |
Get text style table record entry id for dimension | |
Method to get/set the ThousandComma flag, indicating whether to use the separator for grouping thousands, etc. See DecimalComma flag. | |
Method to get/set the Tolerance flag. | |
Method to get/set the Tolmode flag. | |
Method to get/set the TrailingZeros2 flag, indicating whether or not to drop the remaining zero digits to the length specified in the Accuracy parameter for the second label. | |
Method to get/set the TrailingZeros flag, indicating whether or not to drop the remaining zero digits to the length specified in the Accuracy. | |
Method to get/set the UnderlineText flag, indicating NTS "not to scale". | |
The dimensionality of the parent model is returned. True if 3D model. | |
Recompute dimension points by association data. | |
| |
Remove a single instance of OdDgDimPoint from the list. | |
For non-dbro elements only | |
| |
Sets the View number (OdUInt32) to which the PlacementAlignment applies, when set to kPaView mode. Only used in kPaView mode by a tool which has been overridden to make use of this property. | |
Sets the OdUInt32 value as an Alternate Color Index value. | |
Sets the OdInt32 value as an Alternate Line Style Entry Id. Lookup from Line Style Table. | |
Sets the OdUInt32 value as an Alternate Line Weight value. | |
Sets the Annotation Scale Factor of this dimension. | |
Set dimension annotation scale usage flag. | |
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Set dimension style table record id for dimension | |
This sets the enumeration value indicating which tool type was used during the creation of the dimension, and therefore may lead to assumptions about settings/style. | |
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| |
Sets the settings class OdDgDimGeometry for this OdDgDimension. | |
Sets the settings class OdDgDimTextFormat for this OdDgDimension. | |
Sets the settings class OdDgDimTextInfo for this OdDgDimension. | |
| |
| |
Accessor method to set all included flags as single unsigned integer (16bit). | |
Set the Fit Options of this dimension for automatic terminator orientation. | |
Accessor method to set all included flags as single unsigned integer (32bit). | |
| |
Set the lift for dimension with inline text. | |
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| |
Sets the View number (OdUInt32) to which the PlacementAlignment applies, when set to kPaView mode. Only used in kPaView mode by a tool which has been overridden to make use of this property. | |
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| |
Sets a single instance of OdDgDimPoint by index in the list. Must be allocated first. Use addPoint method, otherwise. | |
Set the retain fractional accuracy option for for alternative format of primary unit string. | |
Set the retain fractional accuracy option for primary unit string. | |
Set the primary tolerance accuracy if tolerance present. | |
Set the retain fractional accuracy option for for tolerance of primary unit string. | |
| |
| |
This is the overview for the setRotation method overload. | |
Sets the Scale Factor of this dimension. | |
Set the retain fractional accuracy option for alternative format of secondary unit string. | |
Set the retain fractional accuracy option for secondary unit string. | |
Set the secondary tolerance accuracy if tolerance present. | |
Set the retain fractional accuracy option for tolerance of secondary unit string. | |
Sets the Stacked Fraction Scale Factor of this dimension. | |
| |
Set the Suppress Unfit Terminators of this dimension. | |
| |
Set the optimal fit of this dimension if text location is above. | |
| |
Set the Text Location of this dimension. | |
Set text style table record entry id for dimension | |
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OdGiDrawable overridden | |
Called by setDatabaseDefaults() after the values are set. |
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