API Reference > OdDg Classes > OdDgAttributeLinkage Class > OdDgAttributeLinkage Enumerations > OdDgAttributeLinkage::PrimaryIds Enumeration
OdDgAttributeLinkage::PrimaryIds Enumeration
enum PrimaryIds { kDMRS = 0x0000, kDependency = 0x56D0, kString = 0x56D2, kThickness = 0x56D4, kTextStyle = 0x80D4, kHatch = 0x7D28, kDWGData = 0x56E4, kByteArray = 0x5751, kFillStyle = 0x0041, kOLE = 0xB01E, kBREP = 0x522E, kLStyleMod = 0x79F9, kFRAMME = 0x0020, kBSI = 0x0F81, kXBASE = 0x1971, kINFORMIX = 0x3948, kINGRES = 0x3A77, kSYBASE = 0x4F58, kODBC = 0x5E62, kOLEDB = 0x5800, kORACLE = 0x6091, kRIS = 0x71FB, kFilterMember = 0x56DD, kDimension = 0x56DE, kSheetModel = 0x56ED, kSheetScale = 0x56EE, kSheetModelEx = 0x5701, kExternalMaterial = 0x4f5a, kReferenceAttachmentPath = 0x56F1, kAssocRegion = 0x56D8, kFeature = 0x5229, kSeedPoints = 0x56DA, kDoubleArray = 0x56D5, kNoteLinkage = 0x562E, kBitMaskLinkage = 0x56D3, kTextIndentation = 0x5810, kLevelMask = 0x5710, kBoundaryClip = 0x56DC, kXData = 0x56E4, kDimTextStyle = 0x5801, kInfiniteLine = 0x56E9, kTextAnnotation = 0x56F3, kXmlLinkage = 0x56E3, kSharedCellFlags = 0x56EA };


kDMRS = 0x0000 
It's a fictive value for DMRS linkages because only non-DMRS linkages could have any primaryId 
kDependency = 0x56D0 
Dependency Linkage 
kString = 0x56D2 
String Linkage 
kThickness = 0x56D4 
Thickness Linkage 
kTextStyle = 0x80D4 
Text Style Linkage 
kHatch = 0x7D28 
Pattern Linkage 
kDWGData = 0x56E4 
.dwg file Xdata Linkage 
kByteArray = 0x5751 
Byte Array Linkage 
kLStyleMod = 0x79F9 
Line Style Modification Linkage 
kFRAMME = 0x0020 
DB Linkage - FRAMME tag data signature 
kBSI = 0x0F81 
DB Linkage - secondary id link (BSI radix 50) 
kXBASE = 0x1971 
DB Linkage - XBase (DBase) 
kINFORMIX = 0x3948 
DB Linkage - Informix 
kINGRES = 0x3A77 
DB Linkage - INGRES 
kSYBASE = 0x4F58 
DB Linkage - Sybase 
kODBC = 0x5E62 
DB Linkage - ODBC 
kOLEDB = 0x5800 
DB Linkage - OLEDB 
kORACLE = 0x6091 
DB Linkage - Oracle 
kRIS = 0x71FB 
DB Linkage - RIS 
kFilterMember = 0x56DD 
Level filter member linkage 
kDimension = 0x56DE 
Dimension & Dimension Style Extension Linkage 
kSheetModel = 0x56ED 
Sheet model page data linkage 
kSheetScale = 0x56EE 
Sheet model scale data linkage 
kSheetModelEx = 0x5701 
Sheet model extension data linkage 
kExternalMaterial = 0x4f5a 
External material linkage 
kReferenceAttachmentPath = 0x56F1 
Reference attachment path linkage for level tables 
kAssocRegion = 0x56D8 
Associative region linkage 
kFeature = 0x5229 
Feature solid linkage 
kSeedPoints = 0x56DA 
Seed points linkage 
kDoubleArray = 0x56D5 
Double array linkage 
kNoteLinkage = 0x562E 
Note linkage 
kBitMaskLinkage = 0x56D3 
Bit mask linkage 
kTextIndentation = 0x5810 
Text indentation linkage 
kLevelMask = 0x5710 
Level mask linkage 
kBoundaryClip = 0x56DC 
Boundary clip linkage 
kXData = 0x56E4 
X-Data linkage 
kDimTextStyle = 0x5801 
Linkage to store text style data for dimension text 
kInfiniteLine = 0x56E9 
Infinite Line linkage (XLine) 
kTextAnnotation = 0x56F3 
Text annotation linkage 
kXmlLinkage = 0x56E3 
XML Linkage 
kSharedCellFlags = 0x56EA 
Shared cell annotation linkage 

if some linkage has an id from the list above, it is a linkage of some predefine type and could be operated using an appropriate interface

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