Developer's Guide > Get Started with Civil SDK > Using Sample Applications > ExTcCreateProfile Sample Application
ExTcCreateProfile Sample Application


ODA Product: Civil SDK
Sample Name: ExTcCreateProfile
Source Code Location: <INSTALL_DIR>/Civil/Examples/ExTcCreateProfile


The ExTcCreateProfile sample application demonstrates creation of profiles and profile views, using existing alignment and surface (the source file must contain them).

It illustrates:

  • Initialization of ODA services.
  • Creation of profiles and profile views.
  • Assert function customization.
  • Reading/writing drawing files.

Run Sample Application

To run the ExTcCreateProfile sample application, please do the following:

  1. Open the terminal and go to the directory where the sample binary file is built:
    • For Windows: <INSTALL_DIR>\exe\<PLATFORM_NAME>\
    • For Non-Windows OS: <INSTALL_DIR>/bin/<PLATFORM_NAME>/
    <INSTALL_DIR> is a directory where you unpacked the Civil SDK archive.
    To determine your <PLATFORM_NAME> parameter, please see the ODA Platform Naming Conventions section in the Downloading Civil SDK topic.
  2. Run the sample with appropriate arguments:
    ExTcCreateProfile <source file> <target file>
source file Full path to a drawing file to read input data from.
target file Full path to a drawing file to write output data to.

If the application executed properly, the target file will appear with no additional messages displayed. In case you get the "usage" message, check the parameters. An error message indicates problems with the source file.

See also:

Using Sample Applications

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