Developer's Guide > Get Started with Civil SDK > Using Sample Applications > ExTcAecCleanup Sample Application
ExTcAecCleanup Sample Application


ODA Product: Civil SDK
Sample Name: ExTcAecCleanup
Source Code Location: <INSTALL_DIR>/Civil/Examples/ExTcAecCleanup


The ExTcAecCleanup sample application removes all AEC data and converts a civil or architectural drawing to a plain .dwg file. Allows to explode AEC entities before erasure to make the resulting drawing be visually similar to the source one.

It illustrates:

  • Initialization of ODA services.
  • Loading Civil core modules.
  • Exploding entities.
  • Assert function customization.
  • Reading/writing drawing files.

Run Sample Application

To run the ExTcAecCleanup sample application, please do the following:

  1. Open the terminal and go to the directory where the sample binary file is built:
    • For Windows: <INSTALL_DIR>\exe\<PLATFORM_NAME>\
    • For Non-Windows OS: <INSTALL_DIR>/bin/<PLATFORM_NAME>/
    <INSTALL_DIR> is a directory where you unpacked the Civil SDK archive.
    To determine your <PLATFORM_NAME> parameter, please see the ODA Platform Naming Conventions section in the Downloading Civil SDK topic.
  2. Run the sample with appropriate arguments:
    ExTcAecCleanup <source file> <target file> <explodeAecEnts>
source file Full path to a drawing file to read input data from.
target file Full path to a drawing file to write output data to.
explodeAecEnts Explode AEC entities before erasing. If "1", the entities will be exploded.

If the application executed properly, you will see a list of erased AEC data entries. In case you get the "usage" message, check the parameters. An error message indicates problems with the source file.

See also:

Using Sample Applications

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