Developer's Guide > Get Started with Civil SDK > ODA Civil SDK Overview
ODA Civil SDK Overview

ODA Civil SDK is a set of C++ dynamic-link libraries that works with AutodeskĀ® Civil 3DĀ® files from any application.

Structurally, Civil SDK consists of several modules, containing classes that encapsulate civil objects:

  • AECCivilBase — Land Desktop points and contours.
  • AECCLand — COGO points, alignments, feature lines, and surfaces.
  • AECCNetwork — Gravity pipe networks, pipes, and structures.
  • AECCPressurePipes — Pressure pipe networks, pressure pipes, fittings, and appurtenances.
  • AECCBuildingSite — Building sites.
  • AECCPlanProd — Match lines.
  • AECCRoadway — Corridors, assemblies, and subassemblies.
  • AECCSurvey — Survey networks and survey figures.
  • AECCVBase — Base AeccDb* classes such as TreeNode, ClassNode, Style, Object, Entity, etc.
  • AECCHydrology — Catchment areas.

To work with a class, load the corresponding module as a .tx file (for dynamic configurations) or link the .lib file (for static configurations).

The AecBase module from Architecture SDK must also be loaded/linked because Civil classes are inherited from Architecture classes.

Civil modules are automatically loaded if the DEMANDLOAD variable isn't disabled.

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