API Reference > Classes > Main Classes > OdBmSiteSurfaceHelper Class > OdBmSiteSurfaceHelper Methods > OdBmSiteSurfaceHelper::setSurface Method (OdGePoint3dArray&, OdArray<OdUInt16Array>&)
OdBmSiteSurfaceHelper::setSurface Method (OdGePoint3dArray&, OdArray<OdUInt16Array>&)
OdResult setSurface(const OdGePoint3dArray& points, OdArray<OdUInt16Array>& facets);
const OdGePoint3dArray& points 
[in] Input contains points(vertexes) of the surface  
OdArray<OdUInt16Array>& facets 
[in] Input is an array of tiangle facets composing a polygon mesh. Each facet in the array contains 3 integers representing vertex indices. 

eInvalidInput if the arguments are invalid.  

eOk - otherwise.

Creates a new topography surface element from points and facets. Points of the topography surface created by facets cannot be modified. 


Facets with more than two points with same x, y are invalid and not allowed. 


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