API Reference > Classes > Main Classes > OdBmSiteSurfaceHelper Class > OdBmSiteSurfaceHelper Methods > OdBmSiteSurfaceHelper::movePoints Method
OdBmSiteSurfaceHelper::movePoints Method
OdResult movePoints(const OdGePoint3dArray& moved, const OdGeVector3d& dir);
const OdGePoint3dArray& moved 
[in] An array of points.  
const OdGeVector3d& dir 
[in] Direction vector.

eInvalidInput if all of the moved points does not exist in the topography surface or there is another point with same XY as one of target points.  

eNotApplicable if the points of the topography surface are not editable.

Moves points in a topography surface to a new location. 


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