API Reference > Classes > Main Classes > OdBmSiteSurfaceHelper Class > OdBmSiteSurfaceHelper Methods > OdBmSiteSurfaceHelper::changePointElevation Method
OdBmSiteSurfaceHelper::changePointElevation Method
OdResult changePointElevation(const OdGePoint3d& point, double elevValue);
const OdGePoint3d& point 
[in] Point, eleveation value for which will be changed.  
double elevValue 
[in] New elevation value.

eInvalidInput if the input point does not exist in the topography surface or if the given value for elevValue is more than 30000 feet in absolute value.  

eNotApplicable if the points of the topography surface are not editable.

Changes the elevation value for a point. 


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