API Reference > Classes > Loader Classes > OdBmLoaderHostAppServices Class > OdBmLoaderHostAppServices Methods > OdBmLoaderHostAppServices::writeFile Method (OdString&, OdBmDatabase*, bool)
OdBmLoaderHostAppServices::writeFile Method (OdString&, OdBmDatabase*, bool)
virtual void writeFile(const OdString& fileName, OdBmDatabase* pDb, const bool partialLoad = false);
const bool partialLoad = false 
[in] Input partial saving of ODA BimRv files flag. If partial saving is true, modified elements will be written to a new stream in the file. If partial saving is false, streams for elements will be merged to one. It will contain the latest state of the elements. 
[in] Name of the file to which the data that is to be written.  
[in] Pointer to the OdBmDatabase object data is to be written.  

Writes the contents of this database to the specified output file. 


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