API Reference > Classes > Essential_Classes > OdBmLinearDimString Class > OdBmLinearDimString Methods > OdBmLinearDimString::set Method
OdBmLinearDimString::set Method
OdResult set(const OdBmDBViewPtr& pView, const OdBmGLinePtr& pGLine, const OdBmGeomRefPtrArray& arrRefs);
const OdBmDBViewPtr& pView 
[in] View in which the linear dimension is to be visible.  
const OdBmGLinePtr& pGLine 
[in] Line of the dimension.  
const OdBmGeomRefPtrArray& arrRefs 
[in] An array of references to which the dimension is to be bound.

eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

Creates a new Linear dimension. 


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