API Reference > Classes > Geometry Classes > OdBmGCurve Class > OdBmGCurve Methods > OdBmGCurve::evaluate Method
OdBmGCurve::evaluate Method
OdResult evaluate(OdGePoint3d& retVal, double param, bool normalized) const;
OdGePoint3d& retVal 
[out] Output point on curve.  
double param 
[in] Input parameter to be evaluated.  
bool normalized 
[in] False - param is interpreted as natural parameterization of the curve. True - param is expected to be in [0,1] interval mapped to the bounds of the curve.

Returns eOk if successful or an appropriate error code in the other case. remarks Normalized parameter calculation is valid only with bounded curves.

Calculates the point on this curve corresponding to the specified parameter value as an OdGePoint3d object. 


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