API Reference > Classes > OdBmElementBuiltInProperty Structure
OdBmElementBuiltInProperty Structure
struct OdBmElementBuiltInProperty : public OdRxProperty { public: OdBm::StorageType::Enum odType_; public: OdBmObjectId parameterId_; };


RxProperty for BuiltIn representation of OdBmElement object's Params. To enable BuiltIn Properties display - add BUILTINPROPENABLE in preprocessor definitions

Defines type of RxProperty ValueType. Supported types: OdVariant::kInt32 OdVariant::kDouble OdVariant::kString OdTfVariant::kDbStubPtr details: https://docs.opendesign.com/tbim/tbim_parameters_overview.html 
Stores the corresponding Element Parameter Id details: https://docs.opendesign.com/tbim/tbim_parameters_built_in.html 
Creates an object and assigns it to an owner.
Implementation of the isReadOnly metod from the OdRxPropertyBase interface.
Retruns the built-in parameter id property.
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