API Reference > Classes > Main Classes > OdBmDirectShape Class > OdBmDirectShape Methods > OdBmDirectShape::createElementInstance Method
OdBmDirectShape::createElementInstance Method
static OdResult createElementInstance(OdBmDatabasePtr& pDb, const OdBmObjectId& typeId, const OdBmObjectId& categoryId, OdBmElementPtr & pDirectShape, const OdGeMatrix3d& trf = OdGeMatrix3d::kIdentity);
OdBmDatabasePtr& pDb 
[in] Database for DirectShape.  
const OdBmObjectId& typeId 
[in] A type of DirectShape element to be created.  
const OdBmObjectId& categoryId 
[in] An identifier of the created element category. Must be a valid category identifier.  
OdBmElementPtr & pDirectShape 
[out] Pointer to created directShape.  
const OdGeMatrix3d& trf = OdGeMatrix3d::kIdentity 
[in] A transformation matrix to be implemented to the created element.  

eOk if the element instance was successfully created; otherwise the method returns an appropriate error code.

Creates an element instance based on a specified DirectShape type.

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