API Reference > Classes > OdBmCacheNode Structure
OdBmCacheNode Structure
struct OdBmCacheNode { OdBmObjectId m_objectId; OdString m_strNodeName; OdUInt32 m_childsCount; class OdBm3dViewDbCache : public OdRxObjectImpl<OdRxObject>; };


Database cache node class, stores node hierarchy and additional information.

Default constructor. 
Constructor by name and Id. 
Database cache class, stores CDA hierarchy information, using by CDA Node objects to keep CDA tree information while it collects by RxProperties requests. 
Amount of elements under this node in hierarchy tree. Used to avoid secondary calculation of childs in case of complex naming. 
Referenced object Id. May be Null if node don't have real object to reference. 
Node name. If name is empty, child objects connects to node parent. 
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