API Reference > Classes > PRC Miscellaneous Classes
PRC Miscellaneous Classes

Class representing attribute data. 

Class representing a repository for an attribute title. A title can be represented as a string (user defined title) or as an integer value (predefined title). 

Class defines information about the reference to any entity that can be referenced. 

Class representing information about reference entities in a product's remote occurrences. 

Class representing an attribute with its data. 

Class stores information about a list of usages for the same font and character set with various attributes. 

Class representing a reference to a referenced entity. 

Class representing a reference entity. 

Class implements functionality for operating with references of a product occurrence. 

Class represents a 2D transformation defined by a 3x3-sized matrix. 

Class represents a 3D transformation defined by a 4x4-sized matrix. 
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