API Reference > Classes > PRC Export-Import Classes
PRC Export-Import Classes
Class implements a set of flags determining the options for exporting PRC data to an .xml file. 
The class implements storing color parameters for a drawing node.  
The class implements storing material information for a drawing node.  
The base class that implements a module for exporting to the PRC format.
A base class that implements functionality for working with PRC export context. All entities are exported in one viewport (single view mode).
Class implements storing .prc export context and operations with it.  

Class representing functions of writing PRC data to an output .xml file. 

Class representing functions for writing PRC data to an output .pdf file. 
A class for protocol extension with default implementation of the PDF export functionality of a Gi drawable entity. This class reimplements the drawableToPRC() method of the PdfExportGiDrawablePE class. 
The class provides an implementation of the helper service functionality for PDF export.  
The class implements resolving color and material operations during export to PRC format.  
The structure that represents conversion parameters for exporting a PRC file content to a PDF file. 
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