API Reference > Classes > PRC Tessellation Classes > OdPrcTessFace Class
OdPrcTessFace Class
class OdPrcTessFace;



Class stores tessellation data for a face.

This is the overview for the arrayRGBA method overload. 
Returns the current graphics behavior value. 
Returns the current value of the optimization flag. The optimization flag indicates whether the entity is optimized (true) or not (false). 
Returns the current value of the direct color storing flag. The direct color storing flag indicates whether colors are stored directly in the vertices (true) or not (false). 
This is the overview for the lineAttributes method overload. 
Returns the current number of texture coordinate indexes. 
Returns the current PRC type. 
Sets a new graphics behavior value.
Sets a new value of the optimization flag. The optimization flag indicates whether the entity is optimized (true) or not (false).
Sets a new value of the direct color storing flag. The direct color storing flag indicates whether colors are stored directly in the vertices (true) or not (false).
Sets a new number of texture coordinate indexes.
Sets a new starting index of triangulated entities.
Sets a new start wire value.
Sets a new value of the used entities flag. The used entities flag contains the types of triangulated entities.
This is the overview for the sizesTriangulated method overload. 
This is the overview for the sizesWire method overload. 
Returns the current starting index of triangulated entities. 
Returns the current start wire value. 
Returns the current value of the used entities flag. The used entities flag contains the types of triangulated entities. 
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