API Reference > Classes > PRC Base Classes > OdPrcPreviewGenerator Class > OdPrcPreviewGenerator Methods > OdPrcPreviewGenerator::generateByView Method
OdPrcPreviewGenerator::generateByView Method
OdGiRasterImagePtr generateByView(PrcPreviewGenerator::ViewType viewType, OdResult * pResult = NULL);
PrcPreviewGenerator::ViewType viewType 
[in] A view type for generation of a preview image.  
OdResult * pResult = NULL 
[in] A pointer to an OdResult value that contains the result of generating operation.

Returns a smart pointer to an OdGiRasterImage object that contains the generated preview image.

Generates a raster preview image for the specified view type (camera position). 


If the pResult parameter is set when calling the method (value of the pointer is not equal to NULL), the method stores the result of generation operation in it. If the generation was successful, the method stores the eOk value, otherwise it stores an appropriate error code.

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