API Reference > Classes > PRC Entities Input/output Operations for Entities > OdPrcCompressedFiler Class > OdPrcCompressedFiler Methods > OdPrcCompressedFiler::readCompressedEntityType Method
OdPrcCompressedFiler::readCompressedEntityType Method
virtual OdUInt32 readCompressedEntityType(bool bStepBack, bool * isCurveOrSurface = 0) = 0;
bool bStepBack 
[in] The step back flag value. If it is equal to true, method returns file pointer to the position where it was before reading entity type data.  
bool * isCurveOrSurface = 0 
[in] A flag that indicates whether an object is a curve or a surface. 

Reads a compressed entity type from a file and returns it. 


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