API Reference > Classes > PRC Tessellation Classes > OdPrc3dTess Class
OdPrc3dTess Class
class OdPrc3dTess : public OdPrcBaseTessData;



Class representing 3D tessellation data for an ordered collection of faces.

Destroys the base tessellation information object. 
Reads tessellation data from a specified input stream and creates a tessellation object based on entity type read from the input stream.
Reads tessellation data from a specified input stream and creates a tessellation object array based on entity types read from the input stream.
OdPrc3dTess Class
This is the overview for the coordinates method overload. 
Returns the current value of the limit angle between two faces. 
This is the overview for the faceTessellation method overload. 
Returns the current value of the flag which shows whether the tessellation has faces. If the tessellation has faces, true is returned; in the other case the method returns false. 
Returns the current value of the loops flag. Loops flag shows whether the tessellation has loops. If tessellation has loops, true is returned; in the other case the method returns false. 
Returns the current value of the calculation flag. Calculation flag determines whether tessellation data was calculated (true) or retrieved from an original CAD application (false). 
Returns the current value of the flag which determines whether normals must be recalculated. If normals must be recalculated, true is returned; in the other case the method returns false. 
This is the overview for the normalCoordinate method overload. 
Returns the current value of the normals recalculation flag. 
Optimizes tessellation data by removing dublicate points, normals, textures, wires. Returns true if optimization succeed, false - if not.  
Sets a new value of the limit angle between two faces.
Sets a new value of the flag which shows whether the tessellation has faces.
Sets a new value of the loops flag. Loops flag shows whether the tessellation has loops.
Sets the current value of the calculation flag. Calculation flag determines whether tessellation data was calculated (true) or retrieved from an original CAD application (false).  
Sets the current value of the flag which determines whether normals must be recalculated.
Sets a new value of the normals recalculation flag.
This is the overview for the textureCoordinate method overload. 
This is the overview for the triangulatedIndex method overload. 
This is the overview for the wireIndex method overload. 
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