API Reference > Classes > PRC Rendering Classes > OdGiContextForPrcDatabase Class
OdGiContextForPrcDatabase Class
class OdGiContextForPrcDatabase : public OdGiDefaultContext;


This class implements the context for a .prc database that is used in vectorization. 


Destroys the Gi context for the .prc database. 
Creates the Gi context for the .prc database. All flags are off. Palette background color is equal to black. 
Returns the .prc database that is currently being vectorized, represented as a pointer to an OdDbBaseDatabase object. 
Sets a set of flags for a drawable filtration function (to be called for each drawable vectorization).
Returns the internal drawable filtration function ID.
Returns the current draw mode (everything, only geometry, or only markups). 
Controls the GsModel flag of this context object.
Returns the OdGsClientViewInfo for the specified viewport.
Returns the .prc database that is currently being vectorized. 
Retrieves the stub to a material object with a specified identifier from a specified database.  
This is the overview for the graphicsValuesStorage method overload. 
Returns the current value of the plot generation flag. The plot generation flag is equal to true if this vectorization is intended for hard copy output and is equal to false in the other case. 
Opens for reading the specified drawable object belonging to the database associated with this context object.
Returns the palette background color. 
This is the overview for the references method overload. 
Sets a new .prc database to be vectorized.
Sets the current draw mode (everything, only geometry, or only markups).  
Sets a new palette background color.
Sets a new value of the plot generation flag. The plot generation flag is equal to true if this vectorization is intended for hard copy output and is equal to false in the other case.
Returns the current value of the GsModel flag. 
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