API Reference > Classes > PRC Protocol Extensions Classes > ExPrcCommandContext Class > ExPrcCommandContext Methods > ExPrcCommandContext::getCmColor Method
ExPrcCommandContext::getCmColor Method
virtual OdSharedPtr<OdCmColorBase> getCmColor(const OdString& sPrompt, int options = OdEd::kInpDefault, const OdCmColorBase* pDefVal = 0, const OdString& sKeywords = OdString::kEmpty, OdEdColorTracker* pTracker = 0);
const OdString& sPrompt 
[in] A prompt string with text printed before waiting for user input.  
int options = OdEd::kInpDefault 
[in] A set of input options (bitwise or combination of the OdEd::CommonInputOptions enum).  
const OdCmColorBase* pDefVal = 0 
[in] Text for the dialog caption.  
const OdString& sKeywords = OdString::kEmpty 
[in] A string with a keywords list.  
OdEdColorTracker* pTracker = 0 
[in] A pointer to a notification interface for tracking changes in the command context object.  

Returns the entered color value.

Gets user input of a color value from the command's input.

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