API Reference > Structs, Records, Enums > EPRCExtendType Enumeration
EPRCExtendType Enumeration
enum EPRCExtendType { KEPRCExtendTypeNone = 0, KEPRCExtendTypeExt1 = 2, KEPRCExtendTypeExt2 = 4, KEPRCExtendTypeG1 = 6, KEPRCExtendTypeG1R = 8, KEPRCExtendTypeG1_G2 = 10, KEPRCExtendTypeCInfinity = 12 };


KEPRCExtendTypeNone = 0 
Discontinuous position. 
KEPRCExtendTypeExt1 = 2 
Same as EPRCExtendTypeCInfinity. 
KEPRCExtendTypeExt2 = 4 
Same as EPRCExtendTypeG1R for surface, and EPRCExtendTypeG1 for curve. 
KEPRCExtendTypeG1 = 6 
Continuous in direction but not magnitude of first derivative. 
KEPRCExtendTypeG1R = 8 
Surface extended with a ruled surface that connects with G1-continuity. 
KEPRCExtendTypeG1_G2 = 10 
Extended by reflection, yielding a G2 continuous extension. 
KEPRCExtendTypeCInfinity = 12 
Unlimited continuity. 

Enumeration represents methods of curve and surface extensions. There are two types of extensions: C and G continuous.

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