API Reference > Structs, Records, Enums > EPRCAttributeEntry Enumeration
EPRCAttributeEntry Enumeration
enum EPRCAttributeEntry { EPRCAttributeEntryNotSet = 0, EPRCAttributeEntryTitle = 2, EPRCAttributeEntrySubject = 3, EPRCAttributeEntryAuthor = 4, EPRCAttributeEntryKeywords = 5, EPRCAttributeEntryComments = 6, EPRCAttributeEntryTemplate = 7, EPRCAttributeEntryLastSavedBy = 8, EPRCAttributeEntryRevisionNumber = 9, EPRCAttributeEntryTotalEditingTime = 10, EPRCAttributeEntryLastPrinted = 11, EPRCAttributeEntryCreateTimeDate = 12, EPRCAttributeEntryLastSavedTimeDate = 13, EPRCAttributeEntryNumberOfPages = 14, EPRCAttributeEntryNumberOfWords = 15, EPRCAttributeEntryNumberOfChars = 16, EPRCAttributeEntryThumbnail = 17, EPRCAttributeEntryNameOfCreatingApp = 18, EPRCAttributeEntrySecurity = 19, EPRCAttributeEntryLAST = 20 };


EPRCAttributeEntryNotSet = 0 
An empty attribute title. 
EPRCAttributeEntryTitle = 2 
The attribute contains a title. 
EPRCAttributeEntrySubject = 3 
The attribute contains information about a subject. 
EPRCAttributeEntryAuthor = 4 
The attribute contains information about an author. 
EPRCAttributeEntryKeywords = 5 
The attribute contains a list of keywords. 
EPRCAttributeEntryComments = 6 
The attribute contains a comment. 
EPRCAttributeEntryTemplate = 7 
The attribute contains a template. 
EPRCAttributeEntryLastSavedBy = 8 
The attribute contains information about a person who saved the entity last time. 
EPRCAttributeEntryRevisionNumber = 9 
The attribute contains a revision number 
EPRCAttributeEntryTotalEditingTime = 10 
The attribute contains information about a total time the entity was being edited. 
EPRCAttributeEntryLastPrinted = 11 
The attribute contains information about when the entity was printed last time. 
EPRCAttributeEntryCreateTimeDate = 12 
The attribute contains date and time of creation. 
EPRCAttributeEntryLastSavedTimeDate = 13 
The attribute contains date and time of last saving. 
EPRCAttributeEntryNumberOfPages = 14 
The attribute contains the number of pages. 
EPRCAttributeEntryNumberOfWords = 15 
The attribute contains the number of words. 
EPRCAttributeEntryNumberOfChars = 16 
The attribute contains the number of characters. 
EPRCAttributeEntryThumbnail = 17 
The attribute contains thumbnail. 
EPRCAttributeEntryNameOfCreatingApp = 18 
The attribute contains a name of application the entity was created with. 
EPRCAttributeEntrySecurity = 19 
The attribute contains security information. 
EPRCAttributeEntryLAST = 20 
For internal use, contains the number of valid attributer titles. 

Enumeration represents the list of valid attribute titles.

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