API Reference > Structs, Records, Enums > OdBrErrorStatus Enumeration
OdBrErrorStatus Enumeration
enum OdBrErrorStatus { odbrOK = ::eOk, odbrWrongObjectType = eWrongObjectType, odbrInvalidObject = eUnrecoverableErrors, odbrUnsuitableTopology = 0XBC5, odbrMissingGeometry = eDegenerateGeometry, odbrInvalidInput = eInvalidInput, odbrDegenerateTopology = 0XBCC, odbrUninitialisedObject = 0xBCD, odbrOutOfMemory = eOutOfMemory, odbrBrepChanged = 0xBC0, odbrNotImplementedYet = ::eNotImplementedYet, odbrNullObjectId = eNullObjectId, odbrNotApplicable = eNotApplicable, odbrWrongSubentityType = eWrongSubentityType, odbrNullSubentityId = eInvalidIndex, odbrNullObjectPointer = eUnrecoverableErrors, odbrObjectIdMismatch = eWrongDatabase, odbrTopologyMismatch = eWrongDatabase, odbrUnsuitableGeometry = eAmbiguousOutput, odbrMissingSubentity = eNotInDatabase, odbrAmbiguousOutput = eAmbiguousOutput, odbrUnrecoverableErrors = eUnrecoverableErrors, odbrMissingTopology = odbrDegenerateTopology, odbrWrongDatabase = eWrongDatabase, odbrNotInDatabase = eNotInDatabase, odbrDegenerateGeometry = eDegenerateGeometry };


odbrOK = ::eOk 
The operation is finished successfully. 
odbrWrongObjectType = eWrongObjectType 
The type of returned object is not supported as a B-rep. 
odbrInvalidObject = eUnrecoverableErrors 
The OdBr* object is not initialized or is invalid. 
odbrMissingGeometry = eDegenerateGeometry 
Represents the partially or fully missing geometry. 
odbrInvalidInput = eInvalidInput 
The input arguments point to an invalid object. 
odbrDegenerateTopology = 0XBCC 
The subentity does not map to the topology. 
odbrUninitialisedObject = 0xBCD 
The OdBr* object is not initialized. 
odbrOutOfMemory = eOutOfMemory 
The memory for the object could not be allocated. 
odbrBrepChanged = 0xBC0 
The object has been modified since this OdBr* object was last set. 
odbrNotImplementedYet = ::eNotImplementedYet 
Returned if the function is not implemented yet. 
odbrNullObjectId = eNullObjectId 
Returned when the subentity path does not point to an object. 
odbrNotApplicable = eNotApplicable 
Represents the situation when the inherited function is not applicable to this subclass. 
odbrWrongSubentityType = eWrongSubentityType 
The subentity type does not match the subclass. 
odbrNullSubentityId = eInvalidIndex 
Returned when the subentity path does not point to a subentity. 
odbrNullObjectPointer = eUnrecoverableErrors 
Returned when the function implementation is missing. 
odbrObjectIdMismatch = eWrongDatabase 
The traverser list owner and list position do not point to the same object. 
odbrTopologyMismatch = eWrongDatabase 
Returned when the traverser list position cannot be set because the subentity is not connected to the list owner. 
odbrUnsuitableGeometry = eAmbiguousOutput 
The geometry of OdGe object is unsuitable for this function. 
odbrMissingSubentity = eNotInDatabase 
The topology does not map to a subentity. 
odbrAmbiguousOutput = eAmbiguousOutput 
The result is ambiguous. 

Represents the B-rep error status.

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