Drawings SDK Developer Guide > Using Drawings Revision Control > Using Sample Applications
Using Sample Applications

The sample applications illustrate how to use Drawings Revision Control (DRC) API for developing applications.

Compiling the samples

DRC sample applications are built as part of the Drawings SDK sample set. For details on how to build the samples, refer to Compiling Drawings SDK Sample Applications.

OdaMfcApp sample

Drawings Revision Control usage is available in the OdaMfcApp sample. Drawings Revision Control classes are located in the following files:

  • Drawing\Examples\win\OdaMfcApp\RevisionDialog.h
  • Drawing\Examples\win\OdaMfcApp\RevisionDialog.cpp
  • Drawing\Examples\win\OdaMfcApp\OdaMfcApp.cpp
  • Drawing\Examples\win\OdaMfcApp\OdaMfcAppDoc.cpp
  • Drawing\Examples\ExampleRevisionControl\TfRevModule.cpp
  • Drawing\Examples\ExampleRevisionControl\TfRevModule.h
and the following folder:
  • Components\Application\revisions.

The following key operations are illustrated: commit, checkout and import. Commit and checkout operations are similar to any version control system. An import operation is used to import a .dwg database to Drawings Revision Control either as an initial point or as an intermediate revision (for instance after editing by a third-party editor).

Note: For sample applications to run properly make sure the XML scheme file is placed within the folder that contains other binary files.

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