Drawings SDK Developer Guide > Working with .dwg Files > Working with Databases > Deep Cloning > Advanced Deep Clone Topics > Deep Cloning Process
Deep Cloning Process

This topic describes behind the scene details of the deep cloning process. Understanding these details is necessary for implementing cloning functionality for custom objects.

Initiating the Deep Clone Process
Copying Stage
Translation Stage

Initiating the Deep Clone Process

The deep cloning process can be initiated by calling one of the following methods of the OdDbDatabase class object:

Depending on the parameters, a deep clone function can be applied to an object, to a set of objects or to a whole database.

The deep cloning process is divided into two major stages:

  • Copying stage
  • Translation stage

Copying Stage

The copying stage physically copies the object being cloned. Deep clone functions utilize special filer objects of the OdDbDeepCloneFiler or OdDbWblockCloneFiler class to transfer content from the source object to its clone. The sequence is as follows:

  1. A new object of the same type as the source object is created in the target location.
  2. The content of the source object is filed out using its dwgOut() method to the filer.
  3. The new object uses its dwgIn() method to read data from the filer.
  4. A pair of IDs of the source object and its clone is appended to the ID map.
Actually, the copying stage of cloning is performed by the cloned object itself. When the cloning process is started, the called deep clone function iterates the array of object IDs of the objects to be cloned and calls the deepClone() or wblockClone() method of each object. To implement deep clone functionality of a custom object, you need to override implementations of these methods.

Translation Stage

During the translation stage, references contained in copied entities are translated to validate their values. There are three possible cases for cloned entities containing pointers to other objects depending on whether referenced objects are also cloned:

  • Case 1 — The referenced object is cloned.
  • Case 2 — The referenced object is not cloned. The entity is cloned to the same database.
  • Case 3 — The referenced object is not cloned. The entity is cloned to a different database.

The table below illustrates how four possible situations correspond to the appropriate cases.

  Destination database
Same Different
Referenced object Cloned Case 1 Case 1
Not cloned Case 2 Case 3

Each of the cases is illustrated by the next examples.

Initially, the objects being cloned are in the following state:

Initial state

In this example there are two entities "A" and "B." Entity A contains a pointer to entity B; therefore entity B is a referenced object for entity A. To show relations between objects and actions performed on them, the following symbols are used:


Case 1. After the copying stage is complete, entities A' and B' appear which are clones of entities A and B accordingly. Because entity B is the referenced object of entity A and both of them are cloned, the clone of entity B should become a referenced object of the clone of entity A. For this reason it doesn't matter whether cloned entities are in the same database as the originals or in a different database.

Case 1. Translation process

During the translation step, the pointer contained in entity A' is translated to a pointer to entity B'. In this way, the result of the deep clone operation is a full copy of objects including the relations between them.

Case 1. Translation result

Case 2. After the copying stage is complete, an entity A' appears — a clone of entity A.

Case 2. Translation process

Though the referenced object (entity B) has not been cloned, a pointer in cloned entity A' stays valid and no translation is required. The resulting state of objects in this case is the following:

Case 2. Translation result

Case 3. Like in case 2, after the copying stage is complete, an entity A' appears. The difference is that it appears in another database.

Case 3. Translation process

In this case the pointer to entity B contained in entity A' is not valid because there is no entity B in database DB2. The pointer now is pointing to a place in database DB2 where entity B was located in the original database DB1. During the translation stage the pointer is set to NULL because the referenced object is no longer available for cloned entity A'.

After the translation stage is finished, the result looks like this:

Case 3. Translation result

See Also

Deep Clone Basics

Advanced Deep Clone Topics

Implementing Deep Clone Functionality for Custom Classes

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