Drawings SDK Developer Guide > Getting Started with Drawings SDK > Release Archive Contents
Release Archive Contents

The following folders contain header files, samples, and extension programs.

Archive Contents in the Drawing Folder

Folder Description
Include Client header files.
Imports Import functionality header files.
ColladaImport Collada import header files.
DgnImport DGN import header files.
DwfImport DWF import header files.
Examples Sample code illustrating usage.
    Android Android-only sample applications.
       OdaAndroidApp Android sample application.
    Common Common functionality used in different samples.
    ExCommands Implements commands.
    ExCustObjs Implements custom database entities, database objects, and commands.
    ExDeepCloning Implements overriding of deep cloning methods used for custom objects and .tx modules.
    ExDgnImport Console application that imports a .dgn file and saves it as .dwg.
    ExDimAssoc Sample implementation of the OdDbDimAssocPE interface. Drawings SDK uses this interface for recalculation of associative dimensions, leaders, mleaders.
    ExDynamicBlocks Example code for creating and editing dynamic blocks.
    ExEntityIntersection Sample implementation of the OdDbEntityIntersectionPE interface. Drawings SDK uses this interface for entity intersections.
    ExEvalWatchers Implements notification functions for the evaluation of OdDbHatch and OdDbDimension entities.
    ExFieldEvaluator Implements a field evaluator.
    ExPointCloudHost Implements working with point cloud objects and a custom implementation of the OdDbPointCloudHostPE interface.
    GeolocationObj Sample implementation of the OdDbGeolocationObj module.
    GripPoints Sample implementation of the OdDbGripPointsPE interface.
Drawings SDK uses this interface for grip points operations (OdDbEntity::getGripPoints, etc.).
This implementation supports only arcs, dimensions, lines, and polylines. Support for additional entity types may be added by the client.
    iOS iOS-only sample applications.
       iCommon Set of classes with an implementation of iOS-specific common functionality that is used for working with .dwg files. Can be reused by any application.
       iOdaApp A simple iOS application that can read, write, render and dump to console .dwg/.dxf files.
       iOdWriteEx A simple iOS application that creates a .dwg file and populates it with entities.
    macOS macOS-only sample applications.
       Cocoa/OdCocoaViewer Demonstrates using .dwg functionality with the macOS.
    ModelerCommands Implements custom commands for the ACIS modeler.
    OdAveEx Console application that dumps the AVE information from a .dwg, .dxf, or .mli file, or creates a .dwg file with AVE content.
    OdBagFiler Console application that demonstrates usage use of the oddbEntGet function.
    OdBrEx Demonstrates usage of the B-Rep traversal API (OdBr*), which can be used to traverse the curve and surface information contained in ACIS entities.
    OdColladaExportEx This console application reads a .dwg or .dxf file and writes it to a Collada file.
    OdColladaImportEx This console application reads a Collada (.dae) file and writes it to a .dwg or .dxf file.
    OdCopyEx Console application that converts a .dwg or .dxf file to the specified version and type.
    OdCurveFunctions Sample implementation of the OdDbCurvePE interface, which defines a series of advanced curve operations.

Drawings SDK uses this interface for some curve operations (OdDbCurve::getClosestPointTo, etc.).

This implementation supports only arcs and lines. Support for additional entity types may be added by the client.
    OdDwfExportEx Console application that reads a .dwg/.dxf file and saves it to a .dwf file.
    OdDwfImportEx Console application that reads a .dwf file and saves it to a .dwg/.dxf file.
    OdExtractTextEx This console application reads a .dwg file and extracts its text contents to the console.
    OdGetGeomEx Console application that dumps the geometry of the specified entity from the specified file.
    OdMaterialViewEx Console application that reads a .dwg file and dumps the texture coordinates for all 3D solid entities.
    OdOpenGL Simple cross-platform viewer application based on OpenGL and GLUT.
    OdPC3Read Console application that reads a .pc3 file and dumps it to an .xml file.
    OdPdfExportEx Console application that reads a .dwg/.dxf file and saves it to a .pdf file with the specified export options.
    OdReadEx Console application that reads and dumps a .dwg or .dxf file.
    OdSheetSet Console application that reads and dumps, and optionally writes a .dst file.
    OdSvgExportEx Console application that reads a .dwg/.dxf file and saves it to an .svg file.
    OdTfRevisionControl Revision Control sample application.
    OdVectorizeEx Console application that reads a .dwg or .dxf file, and vectorizes its contents to the console.
    OdWmfExport Console application that reads a .dwg/.dxf file and saves it to a .wmf file.
    OdWriteEx Console application that writes a .dwg or .dxf file. Contains sample code for creating most entity and object types.
    Overruling Console application that demonstrates usage of overruling for objects.
    Qt Qt application samples.
       Common Implementation of the common functionality that is used for creating Qt applications with the Drawings SDK.
       DgnDb, OdaQtApp, OdaQtConsole, OdaQtOpenGL, OdaQtOpenRL, OdaQtPlotSettingsValidator, OdaQtPropSystem, OdaQtViewSystem. Components of the cross-platform ODA Drawings Explorer application.
       ODAFileConverter Cross-platform application for the conversion of .dwg and .dxf files to/from different versions. The application features a graphical interface and a command-line interface.
    Smiley Implementation of a custom entity in a database.
    win Windows-only sample applications.
       ExCustObjCOM Implementation of COM wrappers for custom entities.
       OdaHoopsDemo Sample viewer that converts a .dwg or .dgn file to Hoops and then displays the Hoops representation.
       OdaMfcApp MFC-based sample application. Provides a tree view of the contents of a database as well as interactive vectorization support, and demonstrates many features, including:
  • File loading and saving.
  • Partial loading.
  • Audit/Repair.
  • Visualization using different rendering devices.
  • Pan/Zoom.
  • Switching layouts.
  • Grip-points editing.
  • Snapping.
  • Executing commands.
        OpenCAD MFC-based sample application that is a simple .dwg files editor.
        SingleDoc MFC-based sample application. A simple .dwg or .dxf file viewer.
    WinCE Windows CE-only sample applications.
        OdaMfcAppCE MFC based sample application. Loads and vectorizes a drawing (minimal functionality).
    WinRT Windows RT-only sample applications.
       OdaWinRTApp Windows RT application that loads and vectorizes .dwg files.
    X11 Simple .dwg files viewing sample for X11 window system.
Extensions Code adding to the base-functionality of the Drawings SDK for .dwg files.
    AeciIbEnablers An enabler for embedded raster entities exported to .dwg by Raster Design.
    AutoSurfServices An enabler for AcAsSurfBody (MDT entity).
    Crypt Integrates cryptlib encryption with the ODA Platform.
    DbConstraints Contains an implementation of OdDbAssoc* classes (OdDbAssocNetwork and its child objects)
that are responsible for associative arrays, geometric and dimensional constraints.
    DbJoinEntityPE Provides the join functionality for entities and allows searching of intersections
between entities and uniting them into a single curve.
    ExRender This folder contains implementations of graphic devices: GDI, OpenGL, OpenGLES 2.0, DirectX and composite device.
    ExServices Example of classes the client must implement.
    IdViewObjectEnablers This extension provides inventor-exported entities support.
    PdfModuleVI This extension provides PDF underlays support based on Visual Integrity FlySDK libraries.
    PdfModuleVINet This extension provides functionality of the PdfModuleVI module in .NET classic and .NET SWIG projects.
    PdfUnderlayCommon PDF underlay implementation.
    PlotSettingsValidator Implements OdPlotSettingsValidatorPE.
    RecomputeDimBlock This extension provides the support of dimension block recomputing.
    ThreadPool This extension provides multi-threading support.
    win Windows-only extensions.
        Crypt Windows NT encryption integration with the ODA software.
        ExtDialog Adds drawing preview to the CFileDialog class.
        OleItemHandler Implements a Windows-only OLE handler.


Archive Contents in the Dgn Folder

Folder Description
Include Client header files.
Examples Sample code illustrating usage.
    Android Android-only sample applications.
       OdaAndroidDgnApp Android sample application that renders .dgn files.
    Common Common functionality used in different samples.
    ExDgnCellTransform Console application that creates a .dgn file with transformed cells.
    ExDgnCloning Example code for deep cloning.
    ExDgnColladaExport Console application that exports a .dgn file to a Collada file.
    ExDgnCopy Console application that copies a .dgn file to another one.
    ExDgnCreate Console application that creates a V8 .dgn file containing examples of most supported entity types.
    ExDgnDump Console application that reads and dumps a .dgn file.
    ExDgnDwgProject Simple console application that creates new .dgn and .dwg files and fills them with some objects.
    ExDgnGripPoints Sample implementation of the OdGeGripPointsPE interface.
Drawings SDK uses this interface for grip points operations: OdDgElement::getGripPoints, etc.
    ExDgnMaterials Console application that creates a .dgn file with internal materials.
    ExDgnOverruling Example of overruling.
    ExDgnReadWrite Console application that reads and writes a .dgn file.
    ExDgnTextFormat This application reads the ExDgnTextFormat.dgn file that contains text elements with multibyte text,
so that the codepage is required to convert it into Unicode (used everywhere within the Drawings SDK for .dgn files).
This file is read twice: without mapping of fonts and with the fonts mapped to codepages.
    ExDgnToBmp Simple console application that loads a .dgn file and saves it as a .bmp file.
    ExDgnVectorize Console application that reads a .dgn file and dumps its contents to the console.
    ExDgnViewCreate Console application that creates and populates a .dgn file.
    ExDgnXRefDump Simple console application that illustrates working with Reference Attachment elements that can be stored in both .dgn and .dwg files.
    ExDimensioning Sample that illustrates creation of dimension elements.
    ExDwgXData Console application that displays a dump of XData linkages of model elements from a .dgn file.
    ExReactors Console application that reads a .dgn file and modifies elements to demonstrate use of database reactors.
    ExSimpleProject Simple console application that creates a new .dgn file and fills it with a line object.
    ExSplines The application creates the SplineExample.dgn file populated with spline elements.
    ExTags Sample that illustrates creation of tag elements.
    iOS iOS-only sample applications.
       iOdaDgnApp iOS sample application that loads and vectorizes any .dgn file.
    Win Windows-only sample applications.
       OdaDgnApp MFC application which demonstrates rendering, PDF export and many other features.
       OpenDGN_Viewer Simple .dgn viewer application.
    WinRT Windows RT-only sample applications.
       OdaDgnApp Windows RT application that loads and vectorizes .dgn files.
Extensions Code adding to the base functionality of the Drawings SDK for .dgn files.
    ExDgnDumper Implementation of a .dgn file dumper extension module.
    ExRasterSaving Implementation of an extension module that saves a .dgn file to a .bmp file.
    ExServices Example of custom classes the client must implement.
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