API Reference > Namespaces > dst Namespace > Classes > OdSmSheetSet Structure
OdSmSheetSet Structure
struct OdSmSheetSet : public OdSmSubset { };



Retrieves the template containing alternative page setups 
This is the overview for the getCalloutBlocks method overload. 
Retrieves the default page setup within the template containing alternative page setups 
Returns the label block definition for the sheet set. 
Retrieves the Project Milestone property. 
Retrieves the Project Name this sheet set is associated with. 
Retrieves the Project Number this sheet set is associated with. 
Retrieves the Project Phase property. 
This is the overview for the getPublishOptions method overload. 
This is the overview for the getResources method overload. 
This is the overview for the getSheetSelSets method overload. 
This is the overview for the getViewCategories method overload. 
This is ODRX_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdSmSheetSet. 
sets the label block definition for the sheet set. 
Set the Project Milestone property. 
Set the Project Name this sheet set is associated with. 
Set the Project Number this sheet set is associated with. 
Set the Project Phase property. 
This is setPromptForDwgName, a member of class OdSmSheetSet. 
This is unSubscribe, a member of class OdSmSheetSet. 
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