Drawings SDK Developer Guide > Working with .dwg Files > Working with Databases > Working with Extended Data > Available XData Group Codes
Available XData Group Codes

Extended data technology supports the group codes in the table below.


Data Type




An arbitrary String value up to 255 letters long.


Application Name

An application name as an OdString value up to 31 letters long. This is a special group code that begins a sequence of group codes and associates the sequence with a registered application.


Control String

A control code that can be "{" or "}", which subdivides blocks into a sequence of group codes. The left brace begins a block and the right brace completes a block. Blocks can be nested. Only the application associated with a sequence is aware of the block destinations.


Layer Name

Name of a layer that is associated with the extended data.


Binary Chunk

Binary data that is organized into chunks. Each chunk is an array of bytes. Each byte represents two hexadecimal symbols. Maximal length of a chunk is 127 bytes.



A handle of an object. The OdDbHandle class implements the handle.


3D Point

Three real values, in the order X,Y,Z. These values define world space coordinates of a point or vector. When an object is transformed, coordinates of this point or vector are not transformed within extended data.


3D Position

Three real values, in the order X,Y,Z, that define world space coordinates of a point and are moved, scaled, rotated, stretched, and mirrored along with the parent. When an object is transformed, coordinates of this point are also transformed within extended data.


3D Displacement

Three real values, in the order X,Y,Z, that define a vector and are scaled, rotated, and mirrored along with the parent. When an object is transformed, this vector is also transformed within extended data.


3D Direction

Three real values, in the order X,Y,Z, that define a unit vector and are rotated and mirrored along with the parent. When an object is transformed, the direction is changed only within extended data.



A real value (any real data).



A real value which is scaled along with the parent. When an object is transformed, this real value is changed within extended data using the scale factor of the transformation matrix.


Scale Factor

A real value which is scaled along with the parent analogously to 1041. The difference between 1041 and 1042 is application-defined.


Short Integer

A 16-bit short integer value.


Long Integer

A 32-bit long integer value.

The ValueType enumerator declares the symbolic notation for the group codes supported by extended data technology:

kDxfXdAsciiString   = 1000,   //  Arbitrary string
kDxfRegAppName      = 1001,   //  Application name (string)
kDxfXdControlString = 1002,   //  Control string
kDxfXdLayerName     = 1003,   //  Layer name (string)
kDxfXdBinaryChunk   = 1004,   //  Binary chunk
kDxfXdHandle        = 1005,   //  Handle (OdDbHandle)
kDxfXdXCoord        = 1010,   //  3D Point (OdGePoint3d)
kDxfXdYCoord        = 1020,   //  Coordinate (Double)
kDxfXdZCoord        = 1030,   //  Coordinate (Double)
kDxfXdWorldXCoord   = 1011,   //  3D Point (OdGePoint3d)
kDxfXdWorldYCoord   = 1021,   //  Coordinate (Double)
kDxfXdWorldZCoord   = 1031,   //  Coordinate (Double)
kDxfXdWorldXDisp    = 1012,   //  3D Point (OdGePoint3d)
kDxfXdWorldYDisp    = 1022,   //  Coordinate (Double)
kDxfXdWorldZDisp    = 1032,   //  Coordinate (Double)
kDxfXdWorldXDir     = 1013,   //  3D Point (OdGePoint3d)
kDxfXdWorldYDir     = 1023,   //  Coordinate (Double)
kDxfXdWorldZDir     = 1033,   //  Coordinate (Double)
kDxfXdReal          = 1040,   //  Double
kDxfXdDist          = 1041,   //  Double
kDxfXdScale         = 1042,   //  Double
kDxfXdInteger16     = 1070,   //  16-bit integer
kDxfXdInteger32     = 1071,   //  32-bit integer

Group codes and their data values are programmatically organized in the dynamically linked sequence of resbuf-instances.

See Also

Working with Extended Data

Example of Entering and Displaying the Group Code and Data Value for XData

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