Drawings SDK Developer Guide > Working with .dwg Files > Working with Databases > Working with Tagged Data > Determining the Data Type by Group Code
Determining the Data Type by Group Code

To verify a data type using a group code, use casting codes. In the following examples, the pRb variable stores a pointer to the resbuf-object.

The OdDxfCode class declares the Type enumerator that defines the symbolic notations for predefined data types to which a data value may be cast. This class has a single static _getType() method that requires a dxf-code or group code and returns the identifier of the predefined type to which the data value associated with the dxf-code or group code may be cast as a value of the OdDxfCode::Type enumerator. The Type enumerator defines the following:

Unknown          = 0,   //  Unknown
Name             = 1,   //  Name (string)
String           = 2,   //  Arbitrary string
Bool             = 3,   //  Boolean
Integer8         = 4,   //  8-bit integer
Integer16        = 5,   //  16-bit integer
Integer32        = 6,   //  32-bit integer
Double           = 7,   //  Double
Angle            = 8,   //  Double
Point            = 9,   //  3D Point (OdGePoint3d)
BinaryChunk      = 10,  //  Binary chunk (Array of bytes)
LayerName        = 11,  //  Name (string)
Handle           = 12,  //  Handle (OdDbHandle)
ObjectId         = 13,  //  ID (OdDbObjectId)
SoftPointerId    = 14,  //  Handle (OdDbHandle)
HardPointerId    = 15,  //  Handle (OdDbHandle)
SoftOwnershipId  = 16,  //  Handle (OdDbHandle)
HardOwnershipId  = 17,  //  Handle (OdDbHandle)
Integer64        = 18,  //  64-bit integer

To use casting codes, pass the group code to the _getType() method and compare the returned code with the allowable values using the switch-case statement. For example:

OdString WhatIsCodeType(OdResBuf* pRb)
  OdString sInfo;
  OdGePoint3d point;
  OdInt16 type = pRb->restype();

  switch( OdDxfCode::_getType(type) )
    case OdDxfCode::Bool:      
         sInfo.format(L"%d,Bool = %s", type, ((pRb->getBool()) ? L"true" : L"false"));
    case OdDxfCode::Name: 
    case OdDxfCode::String:    
    case OdDxfCode::LayerName:
         sInfo.format(L"%d,String = \"%s\"", type, pRb->getString().c_str());
    case OdDxfCode::Integer8:       
         sInfo.format(L"%d,Byte = %x", type, pRb->getInt8());
    case OdDxfCode::Integer16:
         sInfo.format(L"%d,Short = %d", type, pRb->getInt16());
    case OdDxfCode::Integer32:
         sInfo.format(L"%d,Long = %ld", type, pRb->getInt32());
    case OdDxfCode::Integer64:
         sInfo.format(L"%d,Int = %ld", type, pRb->getInt64());
    case OdDxfCode::Angle:
    case OdDxfCode::Double:
         sInfo.format(L"%d,Double = %g", type, pRb->getDouble());
    case OdDxfCode::Point:
         point = pRb->getPoint3d();
         sInfo.format(L"%d,3DPoint = (%g,%g,%g)", type, point.x, point.y, point.z);
    case OdDxfCode::Handle:
    case OdDxfCode::SoftPointerId:
    case OdDxfCode::HardPointerId:
    case OdDxfCode::SoftOwnershipId:
    case OdDxfCode::HardOwnershipId:   
         sInfo.format(L"%d,Handle = %s", type, pRb->getHandle().ascii().c_str());
         if(type == OdResBuf::kRtColor)
           sInfo.format(L"%d,Color = %s", type, pRb->getColor().colorNameForDisplay().c_str());
         else if(type == OdResBuf::kRtEntName)
           sInfo.format(L"%d,ID = %s", type, pRb->getEntName().getHandle().ascii().c_str());
           sInfo = L"Unknown";
  return sInfo;

See Also

Working with Tagged Data

Getting and Setting Tagged Data

Example of Entering and Displaying Tagged Data

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