Drawings SDK Developer Guide > Working with .dgn Files
Working with .dgn Files

ODA Drawings SDK provides an object-oriented C++ API; at its core it supports working with .dwg files, but an additional, directly integrated component supports working with .dgn files. Client applications can customize and extend Drawings SDK classes and create custom extension modules that read, write, edit, and render .dgn files. Similar to working with .dwg files, DGN drawing data is stored in a structured database and all data access is through member functions.

Integration with the Drawings SDK core support for working with .dwg files provides the following advantages for .dgn file support:

  • Client applications that use both platforms can link to a single set of code.
  • Most .dwg file features are made accessible to .dgn files, for example, tessellation support; rendering to an arbitrary device such as GDI, OpenGL, DirectX, and simple text; and all types of exporting such as exporting to PDF, SVG, STL, Collada, and rasters files.
  • High level of compatibility between applications that work with both .dwg and .dgn files.
  • Developers work with similar APIs, making it easier to transition from one platform to the other.

Note that an optional module is available for conversion of V7 format files to V8 format files.

For more details, see the following topics:

Overview of Concepts

Working with Applications

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