API Reference > Other Classes > OdModelerTools Class
OdModelerTools Class
class OdModelerTools : public OdRxObject;


This class defines the interface for classes that provide the services for ACIS SAT and SAB data. 

Corresponding C++ library: ModelerGeometry

Should be called from the main stream to start ACIS thread-safety mode. Prepares separate history streams for each thread, turns the thread-safety mode on. Returns false if no modeler geometry exist. 
Checks topology and geometry correctness of given entity. Results are returned as text in parameter 'report'. 
Delete the modeler bulletins. 
Should be called from the main stream to end ACIS thread-safety mode. Merges separate history streams into the main history, turns the thread-safety mode off. 
Executes given function when history stream is set to a main one 
Checks if the modeler is started in this particular thread. 
This is ODRX_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdModelerTools. 
Should be called from a thread function to start modeler in this particular thread. Substitutes default history stream by unique one for the given thread. 
Should be called from a thread function to stop modeler in this particular thread. Restores default history stream for the given thread. 
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