API Reference > Other Classes > OdModelerGeometry Class > OdModelerGeometry Methods > OdModelerGeometry::sliceBySurface Method
OdModelerGeometry::sliceBySurface Method
virtual OdResult sliceBySurface(const OdDbSurfacePtr pSlicingSurface, OdDbSurfacePtr& pNegHalfSurface, OdDbSurfacePtr& pNewSurface, bool bNotModifyItself) = 0;
const OdDbSurfacePtr pSlicingSurface 
[in] Pointer to the surface to be used to slice this object.  
OdDbSurfacePtr& pNegHalfSurface 
[out] Pointer to a new surface object representing the other (negative) side of the sliced surface.  
OdDbSurfacePtr& pNewSurface 
[out] Pointer to a new surface object representing the positive side of the sliced surface.  
bool bNotModifyItself 
[in] Boolean flag.

Returns eOk if the slicing operation is successfully performed or an appropriate error code otherwise.

Slices this ModelerGeometry object with the specified surface. 


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