API Reference > Other Classes > OdModelerGeometry Class > OdModelerGeometry Methods > OdModelerGeometry::getSectionViewInfo Method
OdModelerGeometry::getSectionViewInfo Method
virtual OdResult getSectionViewInfo(const OdArray<OdDbEntityPtr>& pEnts, const OdGePoint3dArray& pPoints, const OdGeVector3d& normal, OdArray<OdDbEntityPtr>& backgroundEnts, OdArray<OdDbEntityPtr>& intHatchEnts, OdArray<OdDbEntityPtr>& intBoundaryEnts, OdArray<OdDbEntityPtr>& curveVisibilityEdges, SectionType sectType = kFull_ST, OdEdgeTypeFlags edgeVis = kTangent) = 0;
const OdArray<OdDbEntityPtr>& pEnts 
[in] array of the sectionable entities  
const OdGePoint3dArray& pPoints 
[in] Input vertex points on the section line; should contain at least two points .  
const OdGeVector3d& normal 
[in] Input vector on the first segment's plane, normal to the section line.  
OdArray<OdDbEntityPtr>& backgroundEnts 
[out] Array of resuts entities after seƱtion array of entities pEnts.  
OdArray<OdDbEntityPtr>& intBoundaryEnts 
[out] Array of intHatchEnt boundaries  
OdArray<OdDbEntityPtr>& curveVisibilityEdges 
[out] Array of visibility edges to draw view section This method is implemented only for Spatial modeler and returns eNotImplementedYet status for other modelers. 
OdEdgeTypeFlags edgeVis = kTangent 
[in] specifying the visibility of tangent, interference and other some tipes of edges
[out] Array of planes section of resuts entities backgroundEnts  

This function generates a data to show ViewSection /// Sectionable entities include Db3dSolid, DbSurface, DbBody, and DbRegion. /// Returns eOk if successful. Returns an error status if the function fails to open the objector or if the plane and the solid do not intersect.

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