API Reference > Other Classes > OdModelerGeometry Class > OdModelerGeometry Methods > OdModelerGeometry::getSection Method
OdModelerGeometry::getSection Method
virtual OdResult getSection(const OdGePlane& plane, OdDbRegionPtr & sectionRegion, OdDbEntityPtrArray* pSectionCurves = NULL) const = 0;
const OdGePlane& plane 
[in] Reference to an OdGePlane object to use as the section cutting plane.  
OdDbRegionPtr & sectionRegion 
[out] Reference to a new region created as the result of the intersection between the specified plane and the ModelerGeometry object.  
OdDbEntityPtrArray* pSectionCurves = NULL 
[out] Pointer to an array of section curves.

Returns the result of intersecting the ModelerGeometry object with a plane: eOk if successful or an appropriate error code in other case. Value eOk is also returned when a plane and the ModelerGeometry object do not intersect each other or if the intersection region is not a valid region, that is, it intersects at a point, along a bounding face of the ModelerGeometry object and so on.

Creates a DbRegion entity as a result of the intersection between the specified plane and the ModelerGeometry object. 


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