API Reference > Other Classes > OdModelerGeometry Class > OdModelerGeometry Methods > OdModelerGeometry::getMassProp Method
OdModelerGeometry::getMassProp Method
virtual OdResult getMassProp(double& volume, OdGePoint3d& centroid, double momInertia[3], double prodInertia[3], double prinMoments[3], OdGeVector3d prinAxes[3], double radiiGyration[3], OdGeExtents3d& extents) const = 0;
double& volume 
[out] Reference for returning the volume of the ModelerGeometry object.  
OdGePoint3d& centroid 
[out] Reference to an OdGePoint3d object for returning the point, representing the centroid of the ModelerGeometry object.  
double momInertia[3] 
[out] A static array for returning X, Y, Z moments of inertia of the ModelerGeometry object.  
double prodInertia[3] 
[out] A static array for returning X, Y, Z products of inertia of the ModelerGeometry object.  
double prinMoments[3] 
[out] A static array for returning X, Y, Z principal moments of the ModelerGeometry object.  
OdGeVector3d prinAxes[3] 
[out] A static array for returning an OdGeVector3d object, determining principal axes of the ModelerGeometry object.  
double radiiGyration[3] 
[out] A static array for returning X, Y, Z radii of gyration of the ModelerGeometry object.  
OdGeExtents3d& extents 
[out] A reference to an OdGeExtents3d object for returning the bounding box of the ModelerGeometry object.

Returns the result of getting volume properties of the ModelerGeometry object: eOk if successful or an appropriate error code in other case. All properties are evaluated in the WCS.

Returns volume properties of the ModelerGeometry object. 


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