API Reference > Other Classes > OdModelerGeometry Class > OdModelerGeometry Methods > OdModelerGeometry::getAreaProp Method
OdModelerGeometry::getAreaProp Method
virtual OdResult getAreaProp(const OdGePoint3d& origin, const OdGeVector3d& xAxis, const OdGeVector3d& yAxis, double& perimeter, double& area, OdGePoint2d& centroid, double momInertia[2], double& prodInertia, double prinMoments[2], OdGeVector2d prinAxes[2], double radiiGyration[2], OdGePoint2d& extentsLow, OdGePoint2d& extentsHigh) const = 0;
const OdGePoint3d& origin 
[in] Origin of the coordinate system to use for evaluation (WCS).  
const OdGeVector3d& xAxis 
[in] X-axis of the coordinate system to use for evaluation (WCS).  
const OdGeVector3d& yAxis 
[in] Y-axis of the coordinate system to use for evaluation (WCS).  
double& perimeter 
[out] Reference for returning the value of the ModelerGeometry object's perimeter.  
double& area 
[out] Reference for returning the value of the ModelerGeometry object's area.  
OdGePoint2d& centroid 
[out] Reference for returning the centroid of the ModelerGeometry object.  
double momInertia[2] 
[out] Static array for returning moments of inertia for the ModelerGeometry object.  
double& prodInertia 
[out] Reference for returning the ModelerGeometry object's product of inertia.  
double prinMoments[2] 
[out] Static array for returning principal moments for the ModelerGeometry object.  
OdGeVector2d prinAxes[2] 
[out] Static array for returning principle axes of the ModelerGeometry object.  
double radiiGyration[2] 
[out] Static array for returning radii of gyration of the ModelerGeometry object.  
OdGePoint2d& extentsLow 
[out] Reference for returning the ModelerGeometry object's minimum extents point.  
OdGePoint2d& extentsHigh 
[out] Reference for returning the ModelerGeometry object's maximum extents point.

Returns eOk if successful, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

Calculates the area properties of this ModelerGeometry object. 

The method validates the origin, xAxis, and yAxis parameters to ensure that:

  • axes are perpendicular to each other.
  • axes and the origin lie in the same plane as the region.


Returned values are measured using the values of origin, xAxis, and yAxis parameters, and are represented in WCS coordinates.

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