API Reference > Other Classes > OdModelerGeometry Class > OdModelerGeometry Methods > OdModelerGeometry::extendEdges Method
OdModelerGeometry::extendEdges Method
virtual OdResult extendEdges(OdDbFullSubentPathArray& edgesId, double dExtDist, EdgeExtensionType extOption) = 0;
OdDbFullSubentPathArray& edgesId 
[out] Array of full sub-entity paths of the edges that need to be extended.  
double dExtDist 
[in] Distance at which the ModelerGeometry object should be expanded.  
EdgeExtensionType extOption 
[in] Extension option, if edges need to be extended or stretched.

Returns eOk if successful or an appropriate error code in the other case.

Extends the edges of this ModelerGeometry object. 


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