API Reference > Other Classes > OdModelerGeometry Class > OdModelerGeometry Methods > OdModelerGeometry::createFrustum Method
OdModelerGeometry::createFrustum Method
virtual void createFrustum(double height, double xRadius, double yRadius, double topXRadius) = 0;
double height 
[in] Dimension along the WCS Z-axis.  
double xRadius 
[in] Base radius along the WCS X-axis.  
double yRadius 
[in] Base radius along the WCS Y-axis.  
double topXRadius 
[in] Top radius along the WCS X-axis. 

Creates a WCS aligned frustum centered about the world origin. 


The function can generate a frustum that is any one of the following: 

  • A circular cylinder
  • An elliptical cylinder
  • A circular cone
  • An elliptical cone
  • A truncated circular cone
  • A truncated elliptical cone

The following constraints apply: 

  • height >= 1e-6.
  • xRadius >= 1e-6.
  • yRadius >= 1e-6.
  • topXRadius >= 1e-6.

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