API Reference > Other Classes > OdModelerGeometry Class > OdModelerGeometry Methods > OdModelerGeometry::createFilletSurface Method
OdModelerGeometry::createFilletSurface Method
virtual OdResult createFilletSurface(OdDbSurfacePtr& surf1, const OdGePoint3d& pickPt1, OdDbSurfacePtr& surf2, const OdGePoint3d& pickPt2, double dRadius, OdDb::FilletTrimMode trimMode, const OdGeVector3d& projDir) = 0;
OdDbSurfacePtr& surf1 
[out] Pointer to a first source surface.  
const OdGePoint3d& pickPt1 
[in] 3D point specifying the side on the first source surface that will be kept after filleting.  
OdDbSurfacePtr& surf2 
[out] Pointer to a second source surface.  
const OdGePoint3d& pickPt2 
[in] 3D point specifying the side on the second source surface that will be kept after filleting.  
double dRadius 
[in] Radius for fillet operation (positive value).  
OdDb::FilletTrimMode trimMode 
[in] Flag that specifies the OdDb::FilletTrimMode value.  
const OdGeVector3d& projDir 
[in] 3D vector specifying the projection (view) direction for pick points.

Returns eOk if successful or an appropriate error code in the other case.

Creates a tangent surface between two edges of a surface with constant radius and trimming or no trimming of the original surfaces. 


The trimMode can be one of the following:

  • kTrimNone
  • kTrimFirst
  • kTrimSecond
  • kTrimBoth

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