API Reference > Other Classes > OdModelerGeometry Class > OdModelerGeometry Methods > OdModelerGeometry::InsertControlPointsAtU Method
OdModelerGeometry::InsertControlPointsAtU Method
virtual OdResult InsertControlPointsAtU(double dU, const OdGePoint3dArray& vCtrlPts, const OdGeDoubleArray& vWeights) = 0;
double dU 
[in] u parameter.  
const OdGePoint3dArray& vCtrlPts 
[in] An array of control points to be added.  
const OdGeDoubleArray& vWeights 
[in] Array of weight values to add if the surface is rational.

Returns eOk if successful. If the dU parameter is out of range, returns eOutOfRange.

Inserts a row of control points at the given u knot parameter. 


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