API Reference > Other Classes > OdModelerGeometryCreator Class > OdModelerGeometryCreator Methods > OdModelerGeometryCreator::createRegionFromCurves Method
OdModelerGeometryCreator::createRegionFromCurves Method
virtual OdResult createRegionFromCurves(const OdRxObjectPtrArray& curveSegments, OdArray<OdModelerGeometryPtr> & pRegions) = 0;
const OdRxObjectPtrArray& curveSegments 
[in] Array of curve segments.  
OdArray<OdModelerGeometryPtr> & pRegions 
[out] Receives an array of pointers to the regions. 

Returns eOk if successful, or an appropriate error code if not.

Creates OdDbRegion entities from the closed loops defined by the specified curve segments. 


Each curve segment must be one of the following 

untitled table OdDb3dPolyline OdDbArc OdDbCircle OdDbEllipse OdDbLine OdDbPolyline OdDbSpline 

The newly created regions are non- database -resident. It is up to the caller to either add them to an OdDbDatabase or to delete them. 

  • All curves must be in the same plane.
  • The endpoint of each curve must be equal to the start point of the next curve
  • The endpoint of the last curve must be equal to the start point of the first curve.

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