API Reference > Other Classes > OdFileDependencyManager Class > OdFileDependencyManager Methods > OdFileDependencyManager::iteratorInitialize Method
OdFileDependencyManager::iteratorInitialize Method
virtual void iteratorInitialize(const OdString& feature = OdString::kEmpty, const bool modifiedOnly = false, const bool affectsGraphicsOnly = false, const bool walkXRefTree = false) = 0;
const OdString& feature = OdString::kEmpty 
[in] Name of the application or feature creating the entry.  
const bool modifiedOnly = false 
[in] True to return only modified entries.  
const bool affectsGraphicsOnly = false 
[in] True to return only entries that effect the screen view.  
const bool walkXRefTree = false 
[in] True to traverse the File Dependency Lists of Xref'd drawings. 

Initializes an iterator for the DWG section of the File Dependency List. 


If no arguments are specified, all entries in the local list will be traversed. Specifying feature, modifiedOnly true, and/or affectsGraphicsOnly true will restrict the entries traversed.

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